■Dyno day :)

Dyno day :) from neil hart on Vimeo.

Tuesday 15th March 2011, Two weeks of illness was making me weak, what better way to wake the body up than with a dyno day, Daniel was psyched, we made our plan and went for it 8 dyno’s in 6 areas all miles apart in just 6 hours due to having to drop the boy of at school and pick him up.

The only disappointment was peter pan as it was wet, I almost stuck it but hey

Routes are in order:

Rocher de la Salamandre : Nouvelle Vague 7b+

La Mare à Piat : Orgasme Cosmique 7b (7a+)

Restant du Long Rocher Nord : Sankookaï 7a (7a+)

Rocher des Demoiselles : Jet d'Eau droite 7a

Rocher des Demoiselles : Crapovsky 7a (6c)

Rocher du Mauvais Passage : Peter Pan 7b+ (7b)

Roche aux Sabots Sud : Fanny Chipie 7b+ (7b)

Roche aux Sabots Sud : Fanny Chipie gauche 7a+


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