



Release from Duncan Cowles on Vimeo.

Film Brief - To do a 3 -5 minute documentary on a Sport or Sporting Character.

The film is about Kris Easter, a rockclimber who couldn't climb due to his leg injury. The film explores what climbing means to Kris and the frustration he goes through daily as a result of not being able to do what he loves.

It was shot on JVC GMY-HM700 and edited on FCP 4
これは足の怪我で登ることができないロッククライマーKris Easterについてのフィルム。彼にとってクライミングとは何なのか、そして愛するクライミングをできないいらだちをどうやり過ごしているのか。
カメラはJVCのGMY-HM700、編集はFinal Cut Pro 4。

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