■Daniel Woods Loves the Solution
Daniel Woods Loves the Solution from La Sportiva on Vimeo.
Daniel Woods dishes the goods and confesses his love for the La Sportiva Solution.
film by Joe Kinder
Coincidence-La Sportiva athlete Joe Kinder doesn't think so...
Coincidence-La Sportiva athlete Joe Kinder doesn't think so... from La Sportiva on Vimeo.
This video is of footage of a profound year in rock climbing for me. I have accomplished major goals that I have had for years and I am proud to have this high quality segment of some of them. It is a great honor to represent the best shoe company in the world and with these proper tools I am more confident in my future goals. THANKS to La Sportiva.
The first route is a Randy Leavitt Route called Jumbo Pumping Hate, which is at Mount Clark, California. The route sits directly left of the notorious Jumbo Love 5.15b that was climbed last year by Chris Sharma. It is the best 5.14a I have ever climbed and enjoyed the intensity in doing it quickly. There are two major cruxes and LOTS of air below you which adds to the entire experience. This area as a whole is a very inspirational place due to the location and the immensity of the cliffs. They are HUGE with shields of solid white limestone. You are lucky to see another person up there and respect anyone that makes the effort being in the middle of the desert off of a arduous 4X4 road.
The second is a unique V10 boulder problem in Castle Rock, Idaho. It’s granite roof with holds and gymnastic climbing which is very rare when it comes to the medium of granite. I enjoyed the aesthetics of this one and had to include it.
Bovice V12 is a first ascent I made in Southern Utah. I put about five sessions into this one and completed it right before the temperatures in the desert got above 100 degress. There are many moves and climbs similar to a route, with a few defined cruxes where you fall near the end. It feels like you should be clipping bolts on this line since it is so long. When I completed this route it was late at night and I topped out in the dark.
And… The last route in the video is one of my hardest yet. I called this route “The Re-Up” and graded it 5.14d. This is a very challenging route with one rest separating two 14b/c sections. The Re-Up is an important route to me in from the effort it required, the fact that I equipped it, and the continuous-bouldery-style. The Re-Up was a great experience from putting in the bolts to clipping the chains and will remain one of my best efforts.
これは僕(Joe Kinder)がロッククライミングで目覚ましい成果を挙げた年の映像だ。何年も温めてきた大きなゴールを達成して、その中のハイクオリティーな部分を紹介できることに光栄に思う。世界でもっとも素晴らしいシューズメーカーを代表することは僕の誇りだし、そのよくできた道具を使って僕の新しいゴールを目指せることに満足している。ありがとう、スポルティバ。
最初のルートは、カリフォルニアのMount ClarkにあるRandy Leavittの開拓したルートで、名前をJumbo Pumping Hateという。昨年、クリス・シャーマによって初登されたJumbo Love 5.15bのちょうど左にあるルートだ。かつて僕が登った5.14aのルートの中でももっともいいルートで、僕は登ってすぐにその迫力を気に入った。メジャーな核心が2つあって、自分の下にとんでもない大きさの空間が広がっていたのが記憶に残る。
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