
[Comp] HUDY Boulder Cups 2010

HUDY Boulder Cups 2010 from Ondřej Smrž on Vimeo.

Dokument o průběhu dvou boulderingových závodů, které spojuje společná lezecká vášeň, nerozlišující rozdílné země ani národy.

HUDY Cup Bad Schandau

Závod pořádaný v německém městečku Bad Schandau, které leží v několik málo kilometrů od společných hranic, v srdci Saských pískovců. Jedná se závod na umělé lezecké stěně, avšak pod širým nebem na břehu Labe. Perličkou tohoto závodu je finále, kde závodníci lezou finálové problémy nad bazénem.

Hudy Cup Děčínský Sněžník

Jednodenní závod na přirodních pískovcových kamenech, v nádherné lokalitě u Děčínského Sněžníku poblíž českého města Děčín. Pohodová atmosféra zářijové soboty byla lehce okořeněna soubojem vynikajících boulderistů a boulderistek na připravených lezeckých problémech. K příležitosti závodu byla pro lezce připravena nová oblast s více jak 450 cestami od lehkých trojek po osmičkové prásky, od nízkých balvanů po odvážné highbally.
Celodenní dřina byla zakončena after party v kempu „Pod Císařem“ v Ostrově u Tisé, kde se na pódiu postupně vystřídaly čtyři kapely.

Sestřih z tohoto dokumentu uvedla Česká televize v rámci outdoorového magazínu Vertikal. Pořad je možné shlédnout v internetovém archivu: www.ceskatelevize.cz/ivysilani/210471290420013-vertikal od cca 6 minuty.

Morchella na Facebooku: www.facebook.com/pages/Morchella-Productions/216449317122

V případě trhaného přehrávaní, vypněte možnost HD.

Pro stažení tohoto videa ve vyšší kvalitě přejděte na stránky www.morchella.cz

Hlavní kamera: Canon XH-A1. Zdrojový materiál: 12 hodin v 500 záběrech.

A documentary about the two bouldering contests, linked by a passion for climbing, not discriminating different countries and nations.

HUDY Cup Bad Schandau

It is a contest held in the German town of Bad Schandau, which lies a few kilometers of the borders, in the heart of Saxon sandstone. It is a contest on an artificial climbing wall, but under the open sky on the banks of the river Elbe. Specialty of this race is the final, where competitors climb over the pool.

Hudy Cup Decinsky Sneznik

This is a one-day contest on natural sandstone rocks, in a wonderful location near Děčínský Sněžník close to the Czech town of Decin. The excellent duels of the climbers on prepared climbing issues lightly spiced the relaxed atmosphere of this Saturday in September. A new area with more than 450 routes from easy 3A to 8B difficulties was prepared on the occasion of this contest (from low boulders to highballs).
The whole day labour ended by after-party at the camp "Pod Cisarem" in Ostrov at Tisa, where four bands gradually exchanged on the stage.

Morchella at Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Morchella-Productions/216449317122

In case of jittery or snatchy playback, turn off HD.

For downloading high quality version of this video go to www.morchella.cz

Main Camera: Canon XH-A1. Source material: 12 hours in 500 shots.



Blokadencia from Mutante.com.ve on Vimeo.

Del Circuito Contra la Gravedad nos llega el segundo abierto caraqueño Blokadencia. E aquí algunas imágenes del evento. Es difícil grabar mientras también estamos compitiendo, gracias a los amigos que hacen de camarógrafos adicionales improvisados.

■Red Chili Corona Review

Red Chili Corona Review from UKClimbing.com TV on Vimeo.

Jon Ratcliffe reviews the Red Chili Corona VCR rock shoe.

とても美しい映像を撮るColin DelehantyによるRed River Gorge Climbing。

Red River Gorgeはこちらもオススメ。

■Red River Gorge Climbing: The Zoo

Red River Gorge Climbing: The Zoo from Colin Delehanty on Vimeo.

"The Zoo is a small crag that offers decent moderate sport lines. Not as popular as nearby Roadside and Torrent Falls, it is a good place to get away from the crowds. If anything make a trip to The Zoo to climb Hippocrite. It's a short and powerful line that ascends a steep face via long moves between huecos. Its newer neighbor, Scar Tissue, also offers steep climbing but on fragile rock."

From Red River Gorge, Rock Climbs 2nd Edition wolverinepublishing.com/

Eligh - Dream Of Me
Tycho - Cloud Generator

Check out blog.iso50.com/ for more Tycho

■Red River Gorge Climbing: Muir Valley

Red River Gorge Climbing: Muir Valley from Colin Delehanty on Vimeo.

Muir Valley Nature Preserve is owned and maintained by Rick and Liz Weber. Please fill out the legal release form prior to climbing here at http://www.muirvalley.com/

Memoryhouse - Lately

■Red River Gorge Climbing: Gray's Branch

Red River Gorge Climbing: Gray's Branch from Colin Delehanty on Vimeo.

"Chances are you will be climbing in the Gray's Branch Region during your visit to the Red River since two of the most popular sport crags, Military Wall and Left Flank, are located in this region. If you continue north along 77, you'll see possibly the most impressive chunk of sandstone in the Red, Raven Rock."

From Red River Gorge, Rock Climbs 2nd Edition wolverinepublishing.com/

Mux Mool - Eagle Fantasies

■Red River Gorge Climbing: Roadside Crag

Red River Gorge Climbing: Roadside Crag from Colin Delehanty on Vimeo.

"It doesn't get much better than this. Five-minute approach, amazing routes of all but the very hardest grades, and a big overhang to keep everything dry. Roadside Crag has it all... Ro Shampo, the route whose grade has been discussed on the Internet as much as the presidential election, still manages to spit off the occasional 5.12 climber despite the pressure of being downgraded to 5.11d. Don't underestimate it!"

From Red River Gorge, Rock Climbs 2nd Edition wolverinepublishing.com/

Dusty Brown - The City is Killing Me

■Planet Granite Sunnyvale Bloc Party 2010

Planet Granite Sunnyvale Bloc Party 2010 from Colin Delehanty on Vimeo.

This is the first time Planet Granite has held an overall Series Final in their 3 part Bloc Party competition. With more than 300 competitors it was the biggest Bloc Party in 3 years.

Houses - Soak It Up

■Planet Granite Belmont Bloc Party 2010

Planet Granite Belmont Bloc Party 2010 from Colin Delehanty on Vimeo.

Recently our gym hosted a bouldering competition and I was put in charge of documenting it. The video gives you a glimpse into where I work and climb. I've been working here for a little over 2 years and I hope to continue contributing to this amazing climbing community.

The 3rd and last part in our Bloc Party Series will be taking place on Friday, November 19th at PG Sunnyvale with a special Series Final.

Tycho - Coastal Break

Follow our gym on Twitter: http://twitter.com/planetgranite

■PG Belmont Bloc Party 2010 - video by Colin Delehanty

PG Belmont Bloc Party 2010 - video by Colin Delehanty from Planet Granite on Vimeo.

Mix sick bouldering skills and positive vibes, add a little competitiveness, food, and beer, blend thoroughly with the welcoming atmosphere of Planet Granite Belmont: throw it ALL in the frying pan and you have the 3rd annual Bloc Party. This was the second round in our three-part bouldering competition.

The 3rd and last part in our Bloc Party Series will be taking place on Friday, November 19th at PG Sunnyvale with a special Series Final.

■Between the rains

Between the rains from Anssi Laatikainen on Vimeo.

Short film of a trip to Fontainebleau on fall 2010. Lots of rain and very little climbing...

■IMS official Film - Boulderfestival + Slackline WM

IMS official Film - Boulderfestival + Slackline WM from Berni Kogler on Vimeo.

Das Movie zum Festival in Brixen

check out www.naturized.com

SPU Schallplattenunterhalter
1. Didscheiunddu
2. Weltreise

Demograffics (www.demograffics.net)
1. Devotion

Loop Doctors (www.myspace.com/loopdoctors)
1. Life is Musik (Shengen Senge Remix)

Christian Url
Bernhard Kogler

Cut & Postpro
Bernhard Kogler

Bernhard Kogler
Julia Pöll

■THE PATH - First Ascent

THE PATH from Sonnie Trotter on Vimeo.

Deep in the vault, a forgotten short story of a first ascent.

■Midnight Burn 2010: Philadelphia Rock Gym

Midnight Burn 2010: Philadelphia Rock Gym from David Wetmore on Vimeo.

Vasya Vorotnikov, Magnus Midtbo, Francesca Metcalf, Dave Wetmore.

■Dark Horse Series: November 6th, 2010

Dark Horse Series: November 6th, 2010 from David Wetmore on Vimeo.

MetroRock North. Dark Horse Series.

■BD athlete Sonnie Trotter on Lake of Fire (5.13c R), Squamish, Canada

BD athlete Sonnie Trotter on Lake of Fire (5.13c R), Squamish, Canada from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.

Black Diamond athlete Sonnie Trotter loves his homeland of Canada—just about as much as he loves hanging it out on dicey, runout trad lines. Check out this video of Sonnie going for it on Lake of Fire (5.13c R) at Squamish, with some classic commentary by fellow BD athlete Alex Honnold.

■BD athlete Chris Schulte on the first ascent of Tomahawk (V11 or V12), Lincoln Lake, Colorado

BD athlete Chris Schulte on the first ascent of Tomahawk (V11 or V12), Lincoln Lake, Colorado from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.

Black Diamond athlete Chris Schulte had another great season of alpine bouldering in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and sent us this video of his first ascent of Tomahawk at Lincoln Lake, which is on the flank of Mount Evans.

Smitten Teaser from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill.
Music by: http://www.theblackpaintings.com/

Smitten Teaser 2 from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in July/August 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.


Produced by Ed Thornhill.

Music by: facebook.com/​pages/​Roco-Bop/​142978999051569

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser One. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our first star, Ben Cossey.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.myspace.com/rogerthatofficial

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Two. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, Lucky Chance.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roco-Bop/142978999051569

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Three. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, Chris Webb Parsons.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.myspace.com/somanyvoicesband

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Four. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, Jarmila Tyrril.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: www.thegreenmatics.com

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Five. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, James Kassay.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Bytonics/101465979896387

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Six. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, Lee Cossey.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sonic-Vs-Boom/151143795335?v=app_178091127385&ref=ts

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Seven. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, Tom Farrell.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.myspace.com/rogerthatofficial

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Eight. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, Monique Forestier.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.stickyfingerstheband.com/

Smitten the movie. Team Teaser Nine. from Smitten the movie on Vimeo.

Smitten would like to introduce the team. Meet our star, Zac Vertrees.
Are you smitten with Smitten? You will be in 2011. Prepare for the white knuckle, action packed, thrill ride of the year. Staring Australia's best Rock Climbers and BASE jumper.
Produced by Ed Thornhill
Music by: http://www.theblackpaintings.com


■No Foot Contest 5

No Foot Contest 5 from EscaladeAlsace on Vimeo.

Résumé vidéo de la compétition No Foot Contest, 5e édition.

(Téléchargée 1088 fois avant la mise en streaming)

■Pierre Bollinger, Pyrrhus, 9a (FA), Gauxberg (France, Alsace)

Pierre Bollinger, Pyrrhus, 9a (FA), Gauxberg (France, Alsace) from EscaladeAlsace on Vimeo.

Pierre Bollinger dans la première de Pyrrhus, un 9a au Gauxberg, en Alsace (France).

La voie peut-être décomposée comme suit :
Un GROS 8b de seulement 6m, directement suivi d'un 8A bloc de 3 mouvements. Après un repos très "relatif", il faut encore passer par une section en 7B avec un pas aléatoire...

Toutes les infos concernant la voie et la première ascension sur http://www.escalade-alsace.com/articles/Pyrrhus_PierreBollinger.php

Images : Freddy & Yann Corby
Montage : Freddy
Musique : Eric Serra, Rescue in a Wreck

Pierre Bollinger making the first ascent of Pyrrhus, 9a at Gauxberg (Alsace, France).

Route's description :
6 meters 8b + 8A boulder problem (3 moves). Just after, a bad rest, and an unpredictable 7B boulder problem...

All informations at : http://www.escalade-alsace.com/articles/Pyrrhus_PierreBollinger.php


■Pierre Bollinger, Enfant de la fusion 8c, Chuenisberg

Pierre Bollinger, Enfant de la fusion 8c, Chuenisberg from EscaladeAlsace on Vimeo.

Première ascension - vidéo Live - d'Enfant de la fusion, 8c, par Pierre Bollinger (Chuenisberg, Jura bâlois, Suisse)

(Téléchargée 2916 fois avant la mise en streaming)

■Pierre Bollinger, Pyrrhus, 9a (FA), Gauxberg (France, Alsace)

Pierre Bollinger, Pyrrhus, 9a (FA), Gauxberg (France, Alsace) from EscaladeAlsace on Vimeo.

Pierre Bollinger dans la première de Pyrrhus, un 9a au Gauxberg, en Alsace (France).

La voie peut-être décomposée comme suit :
Un GROS 8b de seulement 6m, directement suivi d'un 8A bloc de 3 mouvements. Après un repos très "relatif", il faut encore passer par une section en 7B avec un pas aléatoire...

Toutes les infos concernant la voie et la première ascension sur http://www.escalade-alsace.com/articles/Pyrrhus_PierreBollinger.php

Images : Freddy & Yann Corby
Montage : Freddy
Musique : Eric Serra, Rescue in a Wreck

Pierre Bollinger making the first ascent of Pyrrhus, 9a at Gauxberg (Alsace, France).

Route's description :
6 meters 8b + 8A boulder problem (3 moves). Just after, a bad rest, and an unpredictable 7B boulder problem...

All informations at : http://www.escalade-alsace.com/articles/Pyrrhus_PierreBollinger.php

■Piranha, 8b+, Gauxberg (FA le 01/04/2006, par Pierre Bollinger)

Piranha, 8b+, Gauxberg (FA le 01/04/2006, par Pierre Bollinger) from EscaladeAlsace on Vimeo.

www.Escalade-Alsace.com déterre les archives oubliées au fond du jardin, sous les bambous...

Pierre Bollinger signant la première ascension de Piranha, un 8b+ particulièrement péchu et à doigts du Gauxberg (voie libérée il y a 4 ans et qui ne compte qu'une répétition par Loïc Fossard)

Images : Yann Corby
Montage : Freddy

Musique : KORN - Shoots and ladders


ENTER THE WOLVO from chad greedy on Vimeo.

this is the ISLAND krew doing what we do best !

The 'Island' crew (Dave Graham, Jon Cardwell, Daniel Woods, Nalle Hukkataival) showcase many of the hard first ascents completed last summer at Lincoln Lake, Colorado's Wolverine Land.


Los españoles Iker y Eneko Pou repitieron la ruta Zahir 8b+ (10.14a) en los Wendenstöcke de la cadena del Oberland Bernese, Suiza.

Lost In Plasticなんていうコンペもあります。

■Paul Robinson: PlasTic'n

Paul Robinson: PlasTic'n from Prana Living on Vimeo.

My first time climbing in the gym was back in 1998 when I attended a birthday party of one of my neighborhood friends. I loved it and knew I wanted to continue climbing from that moment on. I feel that the training inside the gym has helped greatly with my outdoor success. Having a place to climb on a regular basis where you can give it your all and not worry about being injured is an amazing concept. Climbing in a gym has given me the strength to send the boulders that I have done outside in as quick of a fashion as possible. In the gym I usually warm up for about 15 minutes and then climb on hard boulders for around 3 hours. I like to try and set climbs with my friends of all different styles. This I feel helps me prepare for any type of boulders I will encounter out on the rocks. Some of my favorite climbing gyms include, CATS in Boulder, CO and Earth Treks in Timonium, MD. ~Paul Robinson

For more on Paul visit http://www.prana.com/ambassadors/paul-robinson or his blog http://p-d-robinson.tumblr.com/

Chalk&Chocolate with Natalija Gros Trailer from Jure Breceljnik on Vimeo.

documentary by http://FilmIT.si

preSALE of DVD is here!!! http://goo.gl/ErPk

Directed by Jure Breceljnik
Camera Jure Breceljnik, Jernej Valenčič
Compositing Erik Kapfer, Gorazd Kernel
Production FilmIT
Producer Erik Kapfer

Festivals And Awards 2009 International Mountain Film Festival in Cankarjev dom: the documentary won two awards (Best Climbing Movie, Audience Award).

The film is a story of one of the best climbers in the world Natalija Gros, who struggles to climb one of the most challenging verticals in Slovenia: Histerija (8c+) in Mišja peč. The camera follows Natalija’s story during her conquering the Histerija and during the climbing season (trainings, competitions, injuries, testings).

Natalija is the first woman in Slovenija to climb such a difficult wall (8c+). So far, only a few female climbers in the world have succeeded in acquiring such a result.

“The documentary is a depiction of my climbing, my career and trainings, it concentrates on my climbing the Histerija and the ups and downs during the season; it is about my impulses, temptations, hidden wishes and everything that has kept me in the world of climbing till today.” Natalija Gros

CHALK & CHOCOLATE - movie trailer from Jure Breceljnik on Vimeo.


■Switzerland 2010 • Chironico • Jon Glassberg, Connor Griffith, Carlo Traversi, & Dai Koyomada

Switzerland 2010 • Chironico • Jon Glassberg, Connor Griffith, Carlo Traversi, & Dai Koyomada from Jon Glassberg on Vimeo.

Team America and Dai Koyomada climbing in Chironico, Switzerland. Jon Glassberg on Le Vent Nous Portera (V10), Connor Griffith on Boogalagga Slab (V1), Carlo Traversi on Le Pilier (V11) and Boogalagga (V13), and Dai Koyomada working on Big Paw (V15).

■Switzerland 2010 • Brione • Jon Glassberg & Carlo Traversi

Switzerland 2010 • Brione • Jon Glassberg & Carlo Traversi from Jon Glassberg on Vimeo.

Jon Glassberg and Carlo Traversi bouldering in Brione, Switzerland in 2010. Jon Glassberg climbs Black Mirror (V4), flashes Molunk (V9), and climbs Fake Pamplemousse (V11). Carlo Traversi sends Black Mirror (V4) and Salamandre (V11).

■Switzerland 2010 • Magic Wood • Jon Glassberg and Carlo Traversi

Switzerland 2010 • Magic Wood • Jon Glassberg and Carlo Traversi from Jon Glassberg on Vimeo.

Jon Glassberg and Carlo Traversi climbing in Magic Wood, Switzerland. Jon Glassberg climbs Octopussy (V11), Unendliche Geschichte 2 (V11), Free For All (V11), and Sofa Surfer (V11). Carlo Traversi climbs Unendliche Geschichte 2 (V11) and Voigas (V12).

■Switzerland 2010 • Magic Wood 2 • Jon Glassberg and Lucas Menagatti

Switzerland 2010 • Magic Wood 2 • Jon Glassberg and Lucas Menagatti from Jon Glassberg on Vimeo.

Jon Glassberg and Lucas Menagatti climbing in Magic Wood, Switzerland. Jon Glassberg climbs Super Nova (V9) and Down Under (V10) and Lucas Menagatti climbs Unendliche Geschichte 1 (V12).

■Switzerland 2010 • Cresciano • Jon Glassberg, Connor Griffith, Paul Robinson, & Carlo Traversi

Switzerland 2010 • Cresciano • Jon Glassberg, Connor Griffith, Paul Robinson, & Carlo Traversi from Jon Glassberg on Vimeo.

Team USA in Cressciano, Switzerland in 2010. Jon Glassberg climbs XP (7C), Harry Spotter (7A), Never Ending Story Slab (6B), La Grotte Des Soupirs (7C+), Jungle Book Stand (7C+), and Dreamtime Stand (8A+). Connor Griffith climbs XP (7C) and Jungle Book Variation (7C+). Paul Robinson climbs on Dreamtime (8B+).

ASU = Appalachian State University, Boone, NC

■ASU Climbing Team Bouldering at Rumbling Bald

ASU Climbing Team Bouldering at Rumbling Bald from Matt de Camara on Vimeo.

ASU Climbing Team visits the boulders at Rumbling Bald that the CCC purchased. Donate @ carolinaclimbers.org

■RokTober in Switzerland - Trailer

RokTober in Switzerland - Trailer from RokBlog.de on Vimeo.

Im Oktober waren 5 Jungs im Tessin zum bouldern. Classics im 'moderaten' Bereich von fb6a bis fb8a aus Chironico und Brione, darunter einige Highballs, schöne WarmUps, Erstbegehungen, Flashes und Crashes ...

Dies ist der Trailer, der Film folgt in Kürze...

Stay tuned on RokBlog.de

■3rd ascent Max Zolotukhin
Party Wolf

Party Wolf from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

Max Zolotukhin climbs the 3rd ascent of Party Wolf V11 at Farley, Ma in a day, ground up.

■4 Froggies in the PEAK

4 Froggies in the PEAK from ged1 on Vimeo.

Teaser of "4 Froggies in the PEAK"

■4 Froggies in the Peak part 1

4 Froggies in the Peak part 1 from ged1 on Vimeo.

Trop d'images... donc un film trop long, que je suis obligé de vous faire découvrir en deux parties et pas dans la "top qualité".
En espérant que cela vous donne envie d'y aller, ça vaut le coup!
Pour la deuxième partie il faudra attendre le week-end prochain (désolé).

1ère partie: Stanage.
2ème partie: Burbage, Baslow et Curbar.

■4 Froggies in the Peak part 2

4 Froggies in the Peak part 2 from ged1 on Vimeo.

La suite de nos aventures au Peak Distrist avec quelques beaux passages de Burbage, Baslow et Curbar.

■Bouldering Occitan

Bouldering Occitan from Diego Pirotti on Vimeo.

Bouldering in Saretto, high Maira Valley (Cuneo). Info at www.dadiego.it


[Gym] Kendal Wall in UK

■LWimages RAW - Kendal Wall stop motion...

LWimages RAW - Kendal Wall stop motion... from Lukasz Warzecha - LWimages.co.uk on Vimeo.

Kendal Wall is undergoing a series of improvements.

After completing a photoshoot of the phase 1 of the building work we've done a quick experiment with a stop motion video.

Big thanks to all the stuff for their assistance.

■XUP Rock Climbing s1e2

XUP Rock Climbing s1e2 from XUP TV on Vimeo.

XUP takes a look at Rock Climbing


■A Film About Climbing

A Film About Climbing from Paul Lapides on Vimeo.

This is a film about climbing, featuring three climbers sharing their reasons for doing this sport, what scares them, and the climbs they've done in the past year.

Climbers: Will Enns, Barend Dronkers, Paul Lapides
Directed, filmed, and edited by: Paul Lapides

■Ronnie Dickson - Student, V7 Climber, XT9 User

Ronnie Dickson - Student, V7 Climber, XT9 User from SymbioTechs_USA on Vimeo.

Ronnie Dickson chose to have his leg amputated just after finishing high school. ; He did it to live a more active and fulfilling life.

■La ley innata Ramon Julian

La ley innata Ramon Julian from Ramon Julian on Vimeo.

Margalef, La ley innata 8c+/9a en el sector el "Laboratori", abierta por Dani Andrada.


■I Master Psicobloc BBK

Crónica del I Master Psicobloc BBK. Segundo vídeo editado por Desnivel.com de esta novedosa competición.

■Resumen de la final del I Master Psicobloc BBK

I Master Psicobloc BBK

■I Master Series Psicobloc BBK

I Master Series Psicobloc BBK from Moxi03 on Vimeo.

■EYC Edinburgh09 Part1

EYC Edinburgh09 Part1 from Loïc Timmermans on Vimeo.

■EYC Edinburgh 09 Part2

EYC Edinburgh 09 Part2 from Loïc Timmermans on Vimeo.

■EYC Edinburgh 09 Part3

EYC Edinburgh 09 Part3 from Loïc Timmermans on Vimeo.

■Hirayama Yuji (平山ユージ) - On The Road To Slovenia

Hirayama Yuji (平山ユージ) - On The Road To Slovenia from Rožle Bregar - kloc on Vimeo.

Hirayama Yuji is one of the best climber in the world. His amazing climbing life story started when he was 14 years old guy. He quit school and decided to become professional climber. In his long career he did with the most difficult climbing routes in the world.
Yuji won twice time the World Cup, where the final competition was in Kranj - Slovenia. Beautiful country reminds him a lot, especially rock climbing in Mišja Peč.
Someday, he wants to climb with friendly Slovenian climbers again.

Camera & editing: Rožle Bregar
Chichibu, Japan, 20.10.2010
More (SLO): http://blog.kloc.org/hirayama-yuji-on-the-road-to-slovenia-japan-2010/

Kloc|Koc Visuals www.kloc.org

■Petzl Roctrip Mexico 2010 - El Chonta Rodeo

Petzl Roctrip Mexico 2010 - El Chonta Rodeo from Petzl-sport on Vimeo.

October 31, 2010: The climbing at Petzl RocTrip Mexico is in full swing, with nearly 50 Petzl athletes from around the world and hundreds of climbers from across the Americas arriving at the massive El Chonta cave outside of Taxco, Mexico, a few hours south of Mexico City.

More on http://www.petzl.com/en/outdoor/news/events-0/2010/11/01/petzl-roctrip-2010-el-chonta-rodeo

■Petzl Roctrip Mexico 2010 - Jilotepec work out

Petzl Roctrip Mexico 2010 - Jilotepec work out from Petzl-sport on Vimeo.

Mickaël Fuselier, Dave Graham, Mauricio Huerta & Gérôme Pouvreau worked out by the Ultimate Route at Jilotepec, Mexico. Hopefully the send will come soon !

Feat : Nolto, Andrre, Astronautalis, Nomad
"Keeping Memory alive" (Dub Version)

Stay tuned for more

■Pata Negra 8c

Pata Negra 8c from Loïc Timmermans on Vimeo.

Loïc Timmermans (loictimmermans.be) enchaîne Pata Negra (8c) à Rodellar (Espagne)

■Better Than Chocolate // Trailer

Better Than Chocolate // Trailer from Haroun Souirji on Vimeo.

Better Than Chocolate is a movie about bouldering in Switzerland.

"Why Switzerland? The answer is pretty simple. Fontainebleau aside, it probably has the largest concentration of bouldering areas in Europe and arguably the best gneiss rock anywhere. Also It is the land of many historical ascents including first 8B, 8B+ and 8C (Fred Nicole).

The idea for Better Than Chocolate was to simply remind us that climbing is our way to enjoy life rather than emphasis performance or trying to "look cool". Still, in term of performance, Better Than Chocolate delivers with first ascents and repeats up to 8C boulder.

Staring Michele Caminati, Paul Robinson, Robert Leistner, Julia Winter, Chris Webb Parsons, Anthony Gullsten, Olivier Mignon, Jule Wurm, Anton Johansson, Antoine Eydoux and Fred Moix. Guest appearance by Fred Nicole. Shot on location in Magic Wood, Chironico, Cresciano, Brione and many more areas.

This is my first feature film (and also Belgium's first bouldering movie) and it was shot entirely with homemade cinema gear. I hope you'll enjoy watching it as much as i enjoyed making it."

-Haroun Souirji

Follow the movie on facebook:

For more info and to pre-order movie:

Available at www.betterthanchocolate-movie.com, www.dpmclimbing.com or at your local shop in April
on DVD
and via HD Download

Music is "Rigid Breakfast" from

■Better Than Chocolate : quick peek

Better Than Chocolate : quick peek from Haroun Souirji on Vimeo.

Just to keep the motivation going! No colour correction, no full boulders, just some footage!

65% filmed. This is only a handfull of the boulders and areas filmed. I am aiming for almost 50 boulders / 15 climbers and 10 areas.

Climbers / boulders / Spot in order:
- Anton Johansson / Riverbed 8B / Magic Wood
- Robert Leistner / Rhythm and Stealth 6C (E6, the pads on the ground are big pads...) / Magic Wood
- Olivier Mignon / Foxy Lady 8A / Magic Wood
- Antoine Eydoux / Steppen Wolf 8B / Magic Wood
- Clemens Arndt / Borderline 7A / Chironico
- Paul Robinson / Ill Trill 8C / Magic Wood
- Julia Winter / Astronauten Fiber 8A / Magic Wood
- Julia Winter / Dark Side of the Moon 7C+ / San Gottardo
- Michele Caminati / The Never Ending Story 8B+ / Magic Wood
- Jule Wurm / Kalorien Monster 7C / Magic Wood
- Clovis Matton / Grotte des Soupirs 7C+ / Cresciano
- Clements Arndt / Never Ending Story 6B+ / Cresciano
- Robert Leistner / Permanent Midnight 8B / Fionnay

Music is: Limelight from Apparat

With the support of Mammut

Thanks for all the kind comments here and on other websites!

EDIT: facebook fanpage of the movie

■REACH- An HD Climbing Motion Picture- Trailer 1

REACH- An HD Climbing Motion Picture- Trailer 1 from Rogue State Films on Vimeo.

Reach is the first feature length motion picture from Rogue State Digital Cinema. Previous rock climbing films have focused on people talking about climbing rather than doing it. This film is our attempt to showcase climbing in a different way: by talking less and climbing more.

With over 20 boulder problems rated V13 and up featured, this film captures a moment in the evolution of climbing where the old standards have been rewritten once again.

Follow climbers Dave Graham, Jon Cardwell, Felipe Camargo, Zach Lerner, and Daniel Woods as they find and develop some of the hardest problems in the United States and beyond.

Coming January 2011

■The Rock Climber - Nikon D3S

The Rock Climber - Nikon D3S from My Nikon Life on Vimeo.

Death defying heights, hanging on the edge of the world. Time to embrace the thrill of the adventure... Nikon D3S.

Rock climbing photographer Simon Carter has captured unique & awe-inspiring images that have launched climbing on the world stage.

All footage and stills shot using the Nikon D3S.

View Simon Carters blog post at My Nikon Life: http://mynikonlife.com.au

■The Rock Climber - Behind the Scenes with Simon Carter - Nikon D3S

The Rock Climber - Behind the Scenes with Simon Carter - Nikon D3S from My Nikon Life on Vimeo.

Rock climbing photographer Simon Carter talks about what it takes to capture unique & awe-inspiring images that have launched climbing on the world stage.

All footage taken using the Nikon D3S.

View Simon's blog post http://mynikonlife.com.au

■Trailer "The Fanatic Search 2 - A Girl Thing"

Trailer "The Fanatic Search 2 - A Girl Thing" from WORKLESSCLIMBMORE Climbing Video on Vimeo.


La Quête Fanatique continue au féminin avec ce volume 2 de "The Fanatic Search"!
Un film de 90mn. qui raconte en 7 Chapitres, les étapes qui marquent la vie de grimpeuses fanatiques parmi les meilleures du monde. En choisissant de suivre et de filmer des filles de toutes générations, de Brooke Raboutou 9 ans, à Lynn Hill 50 ans, ce documentaire permet d'apprécier comment évolue avec les années, l'état d'esprit qui anime ces passionnées. Avec de beaux exploits sportifs, le film présente ces grimpeuses au meilleur de leur talent. Un hymne dédié à l'escalade féminine.

The fanatic Search follows in the feminine with this volume 2 of "The Fanatic Search"!
A 90 minutes movie, who tells in 7 Chapters, the stages which mark the life of fanatic climbers among the best of the world. By choosing to follow and to film girls of any generations, from Brooke Raboutou 9 years, to 50-year-old Lynn Hill, this documentary allows to appreciate how evolves with years, the state of mind which leads these passionate climbers. With beautiful achievements, the movie presents these climbers to the best of their talent. A hymn dedicated to the feminine climbing.