Bouldermania 2008 from Birds and Blokes Wear Climbing on Vimeo.
Фильм о болдеринговом фестивале Болдермания, прошедшем в сентябре 2008 года под горой Шаан-Кая в Крыму. Фестиваль был посвящен развитию скалолазных районов на территории бывшего СССР и основанию марки скалолазной одежды Birds and Blokes .
Фестиваль первый, но не единственный...
This movie shows the Bouldermania bouldering festival, that took place in September 2008 near the Shaan-Kaya mountain in Crimea. The festival was dedicated to the foundation of Birds and Blokes Climbing Wear company and had and aim also to bring the contribution to development of climbing regions in ex-USSR countries.
Perfect boulders, great people, sun and a lot of amazing impressions!
The first but not the last...
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