■As It Happens
As It Happens from renan ozturk on Vimeo.
raw, inspired, video:::: http://camp4collective.com
from the field art:::: http://rockmonkeyart.com
from the field photos::: http://www.crichardsphoto.com/
support:::: http://thenorthface.com
Introducing the best climbing videos on the web. 3,000本以上のハイクオリティなクライミング映像を紹介しています。 クライマーと素晴らしい映像の作り手に敬意を込めて。
As It Happens from renan ozturk on Vimeo.
raw, inspired, video:::: http://camp4collective.com
from the field art:::: http://rockmonkeyart.com
from the field photos::: http://www.crichardsphoto.com/
support:::: http://thenorthface.com
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