Capodanno a Campomaggiore from Michele Caminati on Vimeo.
Pietra del Toro, new year's holiday, a southern sandstone hardcore bouldering experience...
Boulders: (in order)
-il Ribaltone, 7b+
-la Tauromachia, 7b+/7c
-Barret, 7b+/c
-Minkiatel, 7b
-Occhio di Bue, 8a/8a+
-Tzunami, 6c
-il Tappabuco, 7b
-l' Agronomo non Praticante, 7c+/8a
-la Chiave del Sole, 8a+/8b
-the Empire State Boulder, 8a/8a+
il Matto from Michele Caminati on Vimeo.
Marcello Bombardi climbing the classic 8a traverse at Lagoni, while Stefano Bettoli il playing drums like a fool (il matto).
Ultimo dei Moicani from Michele Caminati on Vimeo.
Quick editing of last year's footage of L'Ultimo dei Moicani, 8b+(?!) at Monte Amiata... for sending the bouder I had to wait one year more and spend there over 2 months across Christmas time!
New video with more footage coming out soon inside the longer Monte Amiata presentation video... stay tuned!
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