Master Boulder The North Face 2012 from SouthFilms on Vimeo.

Video realizado por para The North Face.

Si quieres mantenerte informado de las noticias y próximos videos de South Films entra a o a nuestra nueva página

Houdini assis left from Robert Rundin on Vimeo.

Location: Långholmen, Stockholm
Problem: Houdini assis left
Climber: Mr Flash (Daniel Andersson) & 3 sec with Elias Tullberg

The Warrior Path Part 1 - Five Days from Bear Cam Media on Vimeo.

Welcome to the Warrior Path, a four part series featuring Dave Graham climbing in Hueco Tanks this 2012 season.
For the remaining 3 episodes, sign up for The Stash on
Also be sure to check out

Thanks for watching!

Magic Wood - Super Roadtrip 2011 from Alvi Pakarinen on Vimeo.

Here is a video I finally got round to editing. Did a super quick job and mostly just for the good memories!


Yaco - El Año Viejo

Zoon Van Snook - The Gloaming (Aether Remix)

Jorg and Katha in Joe's and Moe's Valley from jorg verhoeven on Vimeo.

Featured problems in order of appaearance:
No Substance V9 - Joe's
Masterpiece V13 - Joe's
Gurkha Knife V9 - Joe's
Eden V9 - Joe's
Renaissance Man V9 - Joe's
Crusader for Justice V12/13 - Moe's
Lindner Roof V9 - Moe's
Show of Hands V11 - Moe's

BattleRoyal2011&Special LIVE from project_daihold on Vimeo.


Keep on ROCK you!!

The long event through the year ended finally!
We had a special live with a surprising guest on the last day of battle royal 2011.

Road of Champions: Font 2012 from NyeSpy Photography on Vimeo.

A compilation of the best bits of my first ever week in Fontainebleau, France.
This is also the first film I've ever shot and edited.

Marie Rose 6a
Angle Allain 6a
Le Tranche De Lard 6b+
Moondance 6a
Excalibur 7a
Beatle Juice 7a+
Bizarre Bizarre 7a
Surplomb Du Bivouac 7a+
Toit Aux Grattons 7b
Nye "Meerkat" Cooper
Rich "Badger" Hattersley
Tom "Lion" Lyons
Special shout to Ness "Otter" Siddall who doesn't climb anything that I filmed tho she climbed 7a and was really strong... she does have the best line in the film :)
Video and editing by Nye Cooper
"Good Life" Brass Roots
"Walking In The Air" Smerins Anti-Social Club
"Fuck You" Cee Lo (J Blender Ska RMX)
"I Like It" Lyrics Born (Grant Phabao RMX)
"Israelites" Freear
Shot using Nikon D5100 with: Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Nikkor 35mm f1.8, Nikkor 18-55mm zoom.
Edited with free software VideoPad Video Editor

Screaming Dream & Renegade Master at Froggatt from Wild Country on Vimeo.

Wild Country sponsored climber, the Italian Michele Caminati has made the first repeat of 'Screaming Dream' (UK grade E7 7A) as a highball boulder problem above pads.
The route was first climbed by Mark Leach in 1987 and as a testament to how hard the climbing is the route has only seen 5 ascents in 25 years. All of these were led and those most recently used pre-placed and pre-clipped Friends above the crux, in effect creating a top rope to protect the climber.
However, Michele’s solo highball / ascent ascent now opens up the line to those looking for an excellent highball Font 8a boulder problem!
His ascent is perhaps even more impressive coming only two days after a pretty terrifying fall from 8 metres on the 2nd crux of New Statesman E8 7a, at Ilkley.
Go Michele.
See more about Michele here:

Wuppertal, Samstagabend, 3. März 2012, Superfinale HardMoves Boulder League. Bei dem von Licht, Sound und hundertfachem Applaus angefeuerten Spektakel verschoben die 25 Athleten der fünf Finalteams die Grenzen des Machbaren.
Die Wupperwände bebten, als über 700 Zuschauer Stefan Danker vom Team Boulderwelt München die stark überhängende Wand des letzten Boulders hoch peitschten. Mit der rechten Hand erreicht er als erster und einziger den Topgriff und ... rutscht ab. Mit seiner zweiten Hand am Topgriff wäre seiner Mannschaft -- die gleich bei ihrer ersten Teilnahme ins Finale einzog -- die absolute Sensation geglückt und der Pokal hätte das erste Mal in drei Jahren das Wuppertal verlassen. Mit nur 50 Punkten Vorsprung kletterte das Team Wupperwände auf das Siegertreppchen. Kleinste Bewegungsnuancen entschieden über die Platzierungen der fünf Finalteams, in denen Athleten mit Weltklasseniveau am Start waren.
So kämpfte Christoph Gabrysch vom Team Camp4 Zweibrücken an dem aus vier frei schwingenden Elementen bestehenden Hangel-Boulder bis zum letzten Zug am absoluten Limit. Eine Performance, welche die Zuschauer zur Raserei brachte und die bis auf den letzten Platz ausverkaufte Halle mit purem Adrenalin füllte.
Angetrieben vom Teamgedanken gingen die Kletterer weit über ihre Kräfte hinaus und zeigten Moves jenseits von physikalischen und physischen Grenzen. Wie Lokalmatadorin Jule Wurm und Julia Winter vom Team Boulderlounge Chemnitz, die beide im zweiten Versuch am zweiten Boulder Kletterakrobatik de Luxe und Nerven aus Stahl bewiesen. Jedoch hatte Winters als großer Favorit gehandeltes Team nicht das Siegerglück, sondern landete überraschend auf Platz 4. Platz 3 erkletterte Camp4 und das bei seinem Debüt ebenfalls ins Finale eingezogene Team Rocktown Kaiserslautern erreichte Platz 5.
Für 2012 erprobt der DAV Trainerstab ein neues Konzept für Disziplin- und altersübergreifende Lehrgänge. Das Wettbewerbsklettern entwickelt sich stetig und so müssen wir unsere Strategien und Methoden anpassen. Die strickte Trennung nach Disziplinen erscheint uns nicht mehr sinnvoll in Zeiten, in denen eine Mina Marcovic sowohl den BWC in München, als auch den Gesamtweltcup im Lead gewinnt. Der DAV selber hat mit Shorti einen Athleten am Start, der sowohl in jedes Lead- als auch in jedes Boulderfinale klettern kann und dafür mit dem zweiten Platz im Overall bei der WM in Arco belohnt worden ist. Altersübergreifende Lehrgänge sollen sowohl den jungen Kletterern den Übergang zu den Erwachsenen erleichtern, als auch die Kommunikation zwischen den Jugend- und den jeweiligen Fachtrainern verbessern. Der Trainerstab orientiert sich bei den Jugendlichen dabei nicht an dem "was ist" sondern am "was kann sein", die Lehrgänge dienen also auch der Talentsichtung. Deshalb laden wir gerade junge Sportler sehr großzügig zu den Lehrgängen ein.
Eine weitere wichtige Komponente für uns ist es, die Qualität des Routenbaus in Deutschland zu verbessern. das gilt sowohl für die Wettbewerbe als auch für die tägliche Trainingspraxis. Jeder Trainer, egal auf welcher Ebene, soll befähigt werden seinen Schützlingen im Training die Bewegungsprobleme zu schrauben in denen sie Defizite haben.
Augsburg war nach Zweibrücken unser zweiter Lehrgang mit diesem Konzept. Anwesend waren Chefroutenbauer Robert Heinrich und Manu Brunn sowie Tobi Reichert für den Routenbau sowie Bouldertrainer Udo Neumann, Jugentrainer Farid Touchi, Thorsten Neuhaus vom Stützpunkt München und Christoph Gabrysch vom Referat Spitzenbergsport.

Für den Trainerstab war der Lehrgang ein voller Erfolg. Durch die hohe Betreuerdichte konnten gerade die jungen Sportler teilweise extreme Lehrnfortschritte machen. Allerdings zeigte sich unsere mangelnde Erfahrung mit diesem Lehrgangskonzept in einigen Holprigkeiten sowohl während des Routenbaus, als auch im zeitlich- räumlichen Verlauf während des Lehrgangs.
Wir werden diese Punkte für die nächsten Lehrgänge verbessern.
Für die Athleten war Augsburg eine wichtige Station auf dem Weg in die Saison 2012. Die Boulderer müssen bereits Mitte April in China antreten und führen deshalb ihre nächsten zwei Lehrgänge spezieller und Boulderkader intern durch. Der Abschlussweltcup in München und die WM in Paris sind unsere Höhepunkte für 2012. Auch der Jugendkader hat ein volles Programm und wird die nächsten übergreifenden Lehrgänge gemeinsam mit dem Leadkader durchführen, dessen Saison eher in der zweiten Jahreshälfte stattfindet.
Wir bedanken uns bei der Sektion Augsburg und dem Team der Kletterhalle für ihr Entgegenkommen und bitten für eventuelle Unannehmlichkeiten um Entschuldigung. Drückt uns die Daumen für 2012!

「dai's video diaries vol.3」trailer1 from project_daihold on Vimeo.


「dai's video diaries vol.3」



「dai's video diaries vol.3」trailer2 from project_daihold on Vimeo.


「dai's video diaries vol.3」trailer3 from project_daihold on Vimeo.



Barndoor Holds & The Birth of Coastal Climbing from Wes Walker on Vimeo.

I learned a lot about making climbing holds during the session. RJ Stanley makes colorful magic happen in that garage :)

The finishing touches are being put on the new walls at Coastal Climbing Gym, located at 708 King Street in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. The grand opening is anticipated for April 10th, but that date is still tentative. Excited to see the the owner's vision come to fruition, alas. He has worked hard to make it happen

Charleston's premier bouldering the heart of downtown Charleston...a city packed with Southern charm and some of the most beautiful women in the country :)


DJ Promote - Thank You & Goodnight

Puscifer - Monsoon

SUISSE DAY/ une après midi dans le valais ou Romain desgranges a répété "Touch by the devil" V13/8B a vernayaz et a fait la first ascent de "La rose d'eliott" V13/8B a branson

To tu ještě nebylo XIa AF Adam Ondra - Dolní Žleb 投稿者 jardcs
Learn to train like Magnus Midtbo with these slings from Jungle Sports. Head over to for an interview with Magnus on training for climbing.
■Alex Savage

Crown of Aragorn from Savage Films on Vimeo.

Alex Savage climbs Crown of Aragorn V13 in Hueco Tanks, TX.

■Mike Wickwire

Crown of Aragorn from sammyd on Vimeo.

Mike Wickwire sending Crown of Aragorn in Hueco Tanks

"I Believe I Can Fly" from Snowblindfilm on Vimeo.

Filmed and directed by: Robert Rogoz
Editing: Robert Rogoz, Agnes Rogoz
Screenplay: Jason Martin
Narration: Craig Trenary

Drew Ruana
Raphael Slawinski
Emonn Walsh
Robert Rogoz

Raphael Slawinski
Erol Altay
Wiktor Skupinski
Ian Welsted
Pierre Darbellay

Waiting for the Sun
by rezanium
by rezanium
Used by permission

Written, produced and recorded by: Youthless 

Published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0
License by: Bad Panda Records 

Courtesy: Bad Panda Records Website:

by Philterwa (Craig Trenary)


Maiden Iron

Sponsored by:
credit card
checking account

Climbing Rainbow Wall, Red Rocks -- The Classics from Outdoor Research on Vimeo.

The Rainbow Wall towers over the rest of Red Rocks. The Original Route (Grade V, 5.12) takes a plumb line up the center of the wall. The rock is flawless. The climbing sustained at 5.11 with a few harder cruxes thrown in. While it draws on the style that made Red Rocks famous for its sport climbing, you need a single rack and traditional mindset. Unless you are super fast, you will likely enjoy the shimmering lights of Las Vegas on your way down.

Athletes: Madaleine Sorkin, Jason Nelson

Created by Duct Tape Then Beer

Artwork by Anya Miller

Artist: Le Loup Track: Forgive me

The Angry Beaver from Dale K. Sood on Vimeo.

On a last minute invite to "belay" my good friend Mike Makischuk on the Squamish classic "The Split Beaver;" I declined in favour of shooting the ascent instead.

All shot in one take, during the send. August 2011. Nice work, Mike.

Ticino is one of the regions with the highest concentration of amazing bouldering spots.
It was the first time we visited the area and we were amazed by the quantity of five star boulders that we found in Cresciano and Chironico. In this video we would like to give you a short cut of our trip, featuring some classics we climbed during our week in Ticino.

Some of the boulders we have done: Frank's wild years, La boulette, Kirk Windstein, Miss Schweiz, Confession of a crap artist...


This is what you dont see TRAILER from damoncorso on Vimeo.

a Trailer to the short film 'This is what you don't see', a view into the hueco tanks tour guides and some of the new climbs being put up as we speak. Brought to you by Damon Corso and DCProductions, look for the full version on

Five Ten Athlete Jon Cardwell on Circadian Rhythm V13 from Beau Kahler Media on Vimeo.

FIve Ten athlete Jon Cardwell sending Circadian Rhythm, V13.

Located in the foothills of the Poudre Canyon just outside Fort Collins, CO a Dave Graham first ascent Circadian Rhythm is a local test piece and an amazing pure line.

Music: Gemini

SPEED from Zak van Biljon on Vimeo.

Documentary about the Climbing Route Speed (8c+) at Voralpsee and Matthias König.

KUKUTZA BLOK MASTER 4 from Hodei Torres on Vimeo.



Maggie's Farm (RATM)
Outbreak (Antiflag)
Take a look around (Limp Bizkit)

*Hubo empates en las finales, y siendo de Bilbao... pues el desempate se hizo por técnica: a dominadas!

Font and Bleau 1 from maire christophe on Vimeo.

The first dose of the best place :)

Blocage mental assis 7a+
La molaire 6c
Tentation 6c/7a
Sinus-x 7a
Exterminateur d'écailles 6b
Nostalgie assis 7a
Les ailes d'Icare 6c+

enjoy :)

Font and Bleau 2 from maire christophe on Vimeo.


Air sweden 7b+
Travaux forcés 6b
La baleine 7a/7a+
Guerre et Paix 7a
Gazoline 7a
Le bossu 6b
Le nombre d'or droite 7a

enjoy :)

Font and Bleau 3 from maire christophe on Vimeo.


Perle de crête 1 7a
Rince-me 7a
Coince et danse 7a
Vis à Vis 7a
Yogi 7b
Yoguignol 7b
La souris verte 7a
Tip top hit 7a
Ma qué bella 6b

Ma qué merda 6c First ascent (videlles)

Font and Bleau 4 from maire christophe on Vimeo.

Plastikman 7a
Abdolobotomy 7a
De brevitate vitae 7a
Aurore 6c
Orgasme cosmique 7b
Dark room 7a+ / 7b
La voie du pin assis 6c+
Little cobra 7a+
Compression Ministérielle 7a+
Penssées Cachées 7a+ / 7b


the best place :)

Nikon - Deep North from Corey Rich on Vimeo.

The Story Behind the Story

Big Fat Bouldersession 3 Series 2012 in 3D from Boulderwelt on Vimeo.

Die dritte und letzte Big Fat Bouldersession 2012 am 17.3.2012 in der Boulderwelt München bei bestem Wetter und grandiosem Finale.

One more...

Gelungenes Eröffnungswochenende in Regensburg! from Boulderwelt on Vimeo.

Weitere Informationen:

Mit dem "Day of the Boulder" und einem "Tag der offenen Tür" fiel der Startschuss für die Boulderwelt in Regensburg. Insgesamt haben an diesem Wochenende gigantische 1000 glückliche Boulderer unsere Tore passiert. Es wurde fleißig gebouldert, gekämpft, getestet, gefeiert & gestaunt, Kaffee und Freibier getrunken und dem Vortrag von Michi Wohlleben gelauscht.
Vielen Dank an alle Boulderer und Helfer, dass ihr zu der tollen Eröffnung beigetragen habt - ohne euch wäre das nicht möglich gewesen!

Wir freuen uns, euch bald wieder zu sehen!

Euer Boulderwelt-Team!

Boulderholics Cup 2012 from Vertical-Axis on Vimeo.

BD athletes Sonnie Trotter and Tommy Caldwell free climb first ascent of The Shining (IV 5.13+) in the Canadian Rockies from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.

Black Diamond athletes Tommy Caldwell and Sonnie Trotter redpointed their multi-pitch project on Canada’s Mount Louis this past August. The main headwall (referred to as the Diamond Face) is a stacked beast with the following pitches: 5.12+, 5.12+/13-, 5.13+, 5.12-, 5.12+, 5.11+, 5.10, all of which they bolted on lead. Here is the video that Sonnie edited together for us that documents the challenges and adventures that come with tackling such a high-end endeavor in the Canadian Rockies.


[Comp] BLoC 2011

■Round 7 ヴァート

BLoC2011 Round7 vert - men's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round7 vert - men's final

BLoC2011 Round7 vert - Women's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round7 vert - Women's final

■Round 6 インフィニティ

BLoC2011 Round6 Infinity - men's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

20120219 Bouldering Conpetition in Japan

BLoC2011 Round6 Infinity - Women's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

20120219 Bouldering Competition in Japan

■Round 5 エナジー高田馬場

BLoC2011 Round5 energy takatanobaba - men's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round5 energy climbing gym takatanobaba - men's final

BLoC2011 Round5 energy takatanobaba - women's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round5 energy climbing gym takatanobaba - women's final

■Round 3 ロストキャニオン

BLoC2011 Round3 LOST CANYON - men's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round3 LOST CANYON - men's final

BLoC2011 Round3 LOST CANYON - women's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round3 LOST CANYON - women's final

■Round 2 ロッククラフト川越

BLoC2011 Round2 RockCraft KAWAGOE - men's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round2 RockCraft KAWAGOE - men's final

BLoC2011 Round2 RockCraft KAWAGOE - women's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round2 RockCraft KAWAGOE - women's final

■Round 1 ライノ・アンド・バード

BLoC2011 Round1 Rhino and Bird - men's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round1 Rhino and Bird - men's final

BLoC2011 Round1 Rhino and Bird - women's final from BLoC - Bouldering Local Circuit on Vimeo.

BLoC2011 Round1 Rhino and Bird - women's final

Louder Than 11 in Hueco from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

Louder Than 11 heads to Hueco! Follow Danny Ciavarro, Ryan Silven, Jon Glassberg, Sarah Fullerton, Natasha Barnes and Rob Guinn as they tour some of the forgotten classics in the Texas desert.

Notorious D.I.G. (V9)
Coffee Achiever (V4)
Glass Roof (V9)
Tall Cool Red One (V6)
Ultra Mega (V8)
Bloodline (V8)
Better Eat Your Wheaties (V8/9)
The Hand (V10)
Full Monty (V12)
Michael Kenyon (V4)
Problematix (V9)
Julio and Me (V9)
Screensaver (V8)
Brittany in a Blender (V9)
Shake and Bake (V11)
Anal Oven (V3) FA

Natasha Barnes
Danny Ciavarro
Sarah Fullerton
Jon Glassberg
Rob Guinn
Ryan Silven

Danny Ciavarro
Jon Glassberg
Jordan Shipman
Ryan Silven

Jon Glassberg

Jordan Shipman

Black Strobe - "Italian Fireflies (Hey Today Remix)"
A$AP Rocky - "Purple Swag"
Electrypnose - "Back to Something"

© Louder Than 11 2012
Free Whether You Like It Or Not

Big Bend Bouldering in Moab, Utah from Ivo Penchev on Vimeo.

Few weeks ago I made a short trip to Moab, Utah. The weather was interesting, the first day it was hot around 65 degrees, next day it snowed and the temps fell down to around 30 and again warm the day after the snow. I was more motivated to drive around and look at the crazy rock in the canyons and also to check out the arches. The grades are so sandbagged but my wife and I had fun anyways. I was able to get some of the difficult classics of the area, enjoy!

2012 ABS 13 Youth Championship Highlights from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

March 3rd and 4th, 2012 marked the 13th annual American Bouldering Series Youth National Championships held in Colorado Springs. Check out highlights from the action and for more information or for full results please visit:

Men's Results
1 Mirko Caballero
2 Joe Goodacre
3 Clay Gordon

Women's Results
1 Ashima Shiraishi
2 Lauren Bair
3 Natalia Grossman

Alex Puccio and Shauna Coxsey in the 2012 CWIF final from TV on Vimeo.

There's a news report for the CWIF here:

Paul Robinson & Tiffany Hensley: A Weekend In New England from Prana Living on Vimeo.

While crowded autumn leaves turn a richer color, conditions in Rumney, New Hampshire turn super prime. For one weekend, prAna ambassadors Paul Robinson and Tiffany Hensley join forces to work lifetime project Jaws II (5.15a), and explore Rumney's natural water slides. Not every climbing day is about sending at your limit though. Join Paul and Tiffany as Paul works on one of the country's hardest sport climbs and discusses the climbing lifestyle with Tiffany while squeezing in some much needed play time!

For more on Paul and Tiffany visit

A Louder Than 11 Production

3 Geeks and a Day from Ethan Pringle on Vimeo.

Well, here it finally is. The culmination of about, well, 1 day of work over like 1.5 years. Hope it's worth the wait!

3 Geeks in a Day from Brooklyn Boulders on Vimeo.

Three Highlights from Mark Heal, Ethan Pringle and Mike Feinberg's trip to the Grampians in Australia

Blue shirt bouldering in Bradley, CT from Brooklyn Boulders on Vimeo.

A day of bouldering at Bradley featuring Hayden Miller, Mark Heal and Brian Pardo. Climbing on War Eagle V7, Home Front Arete V7, Cypher V8, The Prow V10, Suspense V9, and Busted Shadow V11.

Playmate of the Year from Brooklyn Boulders on Vimeo.

Playmate of the Year, V9
Shralped by the one and only Garrett "GK" Koeppicus

In late April 2011, Brooklyn Boulders route setters Jeremy Bini, Mark Heal, Garrett Koeppicus and Ben Weaver set out on a sojourn to Utah where they sampled the fine sandstone of Joe's Valley.

Cream Cheesey from Brooklyn Boulders on Vimeo.

Brooklyn Boulders route setter Jeremy Bini shralps the gnar in The Near Trapps, Gunks, NY.

Desert Hipsters from Brooklyn Boulders on Vimeo.

Being out in the Utah back country made Brooklyn Boulders route setters long for their home. Mustaches, coffee, obscure music and boulder problems you've never heard of.

Daniel Woods - Hueco - 76 V-Points from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo. • •

At the 2012 Hueco Rock Rodeo Daniel Woods had the best day of bouldering in his life. He was able to climb 76 v-points in 6 boulders.

Nagual (v13)
The Machinist (v14)
Crook by the Book (V14)
Phantom Limb V12)
Full Monty (V12)
Two Days With Gene (V11)

Sean McColl competing in his first ever Hueco Rock Rodeo. Sean finished 3rd place at the rodeo with Jorg Verhoeven coming second and Daniel Woods taking the title.

Boulder in this video are:
El Chupacabra Right
Full Monty
Rumble in the Jungle

2012 Hueco Rock Rodeo - Highlights from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

March 3rd, 2012 over 150 competitors headed to El Paso, Texas to compete in the 19th annual Hueco Rock Rodeo! The competition was a huge success and featured adult and youth competitions, slideshows, mechanical bull riding, clinics, and much more!

Pro Categorie Results:

1. Daniel Woods
2. Jorg Verhoeven
3. Sean McColl

1. Katharina Saurwein
2. Angie Payne
3. Nina Williams

For more information please visit:

Daniel Woods doing the First Ascent of Paint it Black from chad greedy on Vimeo.

out hiking in the woods looking for the mountain lion , when i stumbled upon Daniel making the first ascent of Paint it Black ,, lucky i had my trusty iphone on me to capture this amazing footage .. bon dia !!! enjoi ...

Welcome to the Hood Official Trailer ( from Paul Robinson on Vimeo.

Welcome to the Hood highlights the 2 month trip to
Switzerland, Austria and France shared by
climbers and friends Daniel Woods, Paul Robinson,
Guntram Joerg, and Anthony Gullsten. Climbing in
Ticino, Murgtal, Silvretta, and Fontainebleau, the
crew accomplished some of their biggest climbing
achievements to date. Witness Guntram and
Anthony send their first 8B+/8C, Paul make the
first ascent of an 8B+, and Daniel make the first
8B+/8C flash in the world.

At around 40 minutes in length,
Welcome to the Hood gives you an inside look at the
psyche and motivation that goes hand in hand with living and climbing with elite athletes.

Song: If I could feel again, Pretty Lights
All music in the film will be produced by Pretty Lights Record Label!

Welcome to the Hood will be available on the 2nd of April as an HD Download on!!

Welcome to the Hood Teaser ( from Paul Robinson on Vimeo.

The video is 2 weeks away from being released!!! So here is a short teaser to keep the psyche high in the meantime!!

The digital download will be available on

Welcome to the Hood highlights the 2 month trip to Switzerland, Austria and France shared by climbers and friends Daniel Woods, Paul Robinson, Guntram Joerg, and Anthony Gullsten. Climbing in Ticino, Murghtal, Silvretta, and Fontainebleau, the crew accomplished some of their biggest climbing achievements to date. Witness Guntram and Anthony send their first 8B+/8C, Paul make the first ascent of an 8B+, and Daniel make the first 8B+/8C flash in the world. At 35 minutes in length, Welcome to the Hood gives you an inside look at the psyche and motivation that goes hand in hand with living and climbing with elite athletes.

Scarred For Life- The Life and Climbs of Dave Graham- Trailer 1 from Achromatic.TV on Vimeo.

Scarred for Life- The Life and Climbs of Dave Graham

This is the unofficial preview trailer for the upcoming feature release.

We are still a ways off of finishing but this should give you an idea of what we've been up to.

We will release it as soon as it's finished.

Also viewable on youtube here:

Until then check Achromatic Digital Cinema or the blog for additional content as we get closer to completion.

DG BTS in Hueco- Where Love Goes to Die (V13) from Achromatic.TV on Vimeo.

Wideboyz at Shaff Expert Night - featuring the 'Crack Machine' from Wild Country on Vimeo.

Having dispatched the hardest offwidth crack in the world, Century Crack E9/5.14b and survived, the Wideboyz (Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker) have been busy lecturing across the UK to packed houses about their experiences. But to really show off their incredible skills properly Wild Country decided that it would be fun to build a portable offwidth - the same width as Century Crack - to help to demonstrate the 'Wide Pony' technique (and much more) that they used on that amazing ascent.
And remember the video of the epic journey to Century and beyond, filmed by HotAches will be available in Autumn 2012.
In this trailer for the lectures the boys show off and use the crack machine for the first time, tell their tales and let unsuspecting members of the public loose on it.
A fantastic night was had by all thanks to Matt Heason at Shaff - and the full Shaff festival is this weekend remember - and thanks also to RAB for their support and Sterling ropes who sponsor Tom and Pete too.
Finally massive shout to Highball climbing who built this fantastic wall...!!!!!!!


Clip 'n Climb In Action

Clip 'n Climb In Action from Entre Prises Climbing Walls on Vimeo.

Take a look at different climbing elements that can help with anyone's hand eye coordination, balance, overall energy and the use of auto-belays in a family climbing environment

The Blacklist (of Albarracín) from Hodei Torres on Vimeo.

Albarracín, Teruel.
18-19 de Febrero 2012

Un finde cojonudo, buen tiempo, buena temperatura...
muchas de ganas de apretar...y motivación!


Techos - La Fuente - Tierra Media

*No pongo grados...porque no!
y el bloque "El Jabalí" no sabemos como se llama, pero nosotros lo llamamos así (anecdotas animales...)*


PD: Ben, nos hemos acordado de ti este fin de semana tio!
Hay muchas ganas de volver a Corme!

albarra en Enero from Hodei Torres on Vimeo.

Unos cuantos intentos fallidos y unos cuantos blokes de Albarracín, salieron unos cuantos mas bloques, pero siempre grabamos los intentos... ley de murphy!

Los grados no los pongo porque me la suda,sinceramente. varian de 6a a 6c creo, pero como algo orientativo.

pues nada, una nueva inyección de motivación, y mas ganas de entrenar para sacar blokes bonitos pendientes, y si os parece poca motivacion, os veis este video de Ben, que pasa de motivación a fanatismo blokero:


PD: un poco menos de magnesio! o por lo menos más cepilladas y trapeadas, que las capas de magne son un desfase!!

Chris Sharma - International Mountain Summit 2011 from on Vimeo.

Wywiad z jednym z najsilniejszych i najbardziej rozpoznawalnych wspinaczy - Amerykaninem Chrisem Sharmą. Rozmowa została przeprowadzona podczas odbywającego się w Brixen festiwalu International Mountain Summit. Jeżeli chcecie dowiedzieć się jakie są jego najbliższe plany, jakie jest jego zdanie na temat treningów i kiedy zamierza mieć dzieci, zapraszamy do oglądania.

rozmawiał: Piotr Drożdż
tłumaczyła: Natalia Terlecka
zdjęcia i montaż: Maciek Szopa

Times Up. Smith Rock from Jesper Hilts on Vimeo.

an Iron Leaf Production.

Tara Reynvaan on a classic from Smith Rock State Park, Oregon

By free climbing Cerro Torre along the legendary Compressor Route, the Mammut Proteam athlete David Lama has written a piece of mountaineering history. He is the first climber to have achieved the feat of scaling the south-east face of the imposing granite formation without technical aids -- after two unsuccessful attempts, David's Patagonian dream has come true!

Watch this short trailer now!

Red Bull

Climb Free 2012

4. CLIMBFREE & Bayerische Bouldermeisterschaften 2012 - Highlights from davmuctv on Vimeo.

Weitere Informationen:

Boulderwettkampf für Freizeitkletterer

Wertung zum Oberlandcup

Veranstalter: Sektion München des DAV e. V.

Bayerische Bouldermeisterschaften (Jugend)

Bayerische Bouldermeisterschaften (Damen/Herren/Junioren)

Veranstalter: Kletterfachverband Bayern (KVB)

Bouldering Switzerland from Roman Alexander Hofmann on Vimeo.

Hueco Tanks part I: Slashface; Alma Blanca V13 (8B) etc. from jorg verhoeven on Vimeo.

Jorg Verhoeven doing some classic problems in Hueco Tanks TX
Amongst them Slashface V13 and Alma Blanca V13
more to come...

Hueco Tanks part II: More V13's from jorg verhoeven on Vimeo.

Part II is featuring the following boulders:
Evangelion V13 (8B)
Land Before Time V13
The Machinist V13
Nagual V13

One more...

Buttermilker V13 (8B) from jorg verhoeven on Vimeo.

Bishop CA
january 2012

The Climbing Works - Hard Wood from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

In the corner of The Climbing Works lies a place that is loved and feared in equal measure. In this sometime's dark and mysterious 'training' area lies the Beastmaker 45, Campus Board and the Fingerboards. This is the place were Monsters are made.

This short film is a little teaser for something longer that we're working on. A film to show why, how and what this dark art of training is all about.

We'll be doing this over the Winter period so we'll release more short cuts as the season goes on. In the meantime, enjoy this quick edit.

CWIF 2011: Highlights Film from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

The Climbing Works International Festival (CWIF) 2011 was held on the weekend of 5th & 6th March.

300 competitors came to test themselves on the 30 bloc qualifying circuit on the Saturday. 16 Men & Women then progressed to the Finals that was held on the Sunday & watched by a capacity crowd.

Shot by Outcrop Films, this short captures what the CWIF is all about: Fun, open atmosphere, with some of the best climbers competing to become CWIF 2011 champion.

See more films, photos, reports and see all the results at

The CWIF 2011 Video Montage from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

A Minus Ten production for The Climbing Works

A short film bringing you the highlights of a fantastic weekend of climbing.

The Climbing Works International Festival 2011 took place on Sat & Sun 5th & 6th March 2011. Find out more at

Produced , Directed and mastered by Adam Bailes

The CWIF 2011 Finals: Preview from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

The CWIF 2011 Finals takes place on Sunday 6th March 2011. Wondering what to expect?? Check out this preview...
Semis: Noon
Finals: 6pm

The Climbing Works & Evolv Winter Bouldering League: R1 from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

A highlights film of Round 1 of the Evolv Winter Bouldering League that took place on Friday 11th November 2011.
You can find the full list of results and photos from the round at:

A Drunk Skunk production

Evolv Winter Bouldering Lge: R1 - The Cash Problem from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

The Climbing Works likes to do things a little different. This also holds true when it comes to competitions.

R1 of the Evolv Winter Bouldering League had a cash problem like no other we've ever set. Handstands, swinging balls, campusing and a finishing hold which was not a jug.

Watch this short film to see what it all created.

A Drunk Skunk production for The Climbing Works

The Climbing Works Evolv Winter Bouldering League R2 from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

A highlights film of Round 2 of the Evolv Winter Bouldering League that was held on Friday 16th December at The Climbing Works.
Find out more about upcoming rounds and competitions at

The Climbing Works Evolv Winter Bouldering League: Round 3 Highlights from The Climbing Works on Vimeo.

Highlights of Round 2 of The Climbing Works Winter bouldering league, supported by Evolv. Held on Friday 13th Jan 2012, a big turnout got to play on some very interesting blocs. Find out more about upcoming rounds and competitions at

This is the Life from Shawn Seifert on Vimeo.

Traveling without family is like climbing without the topout. Join Shawn and Bill Seifert as they boulder Virgin Gorda with family and friends.

Featuring classic boulders on the beaches of Spring Bay, Devil's Bay and the Guavaberry Resort, This is the Life shows what a week in paradise looks like.

Problems include Water Dyno, Devil's Bay Arête, Ugg Arête, Seaside, Sunshine, Right Jaw, Patio Problem, Babar, Grill Problem, Jag High, Vertigo, Giovanna and more!

Best viewed in 1080p HD with the volume up!

Running time 18 minutes.

Climb Through It from Shawn Seifert on Vimeo.

Climbing with injuries is a harsh reality of every boulderer's life. When a crew of East coast climbers visits Hueco Tanks, its send time. Injured or not.

Starring Shawn Seifert, John Carriere, Robert Slingsby, Justin Smith, Gus Laffey, Eric Cox and Mary and Rocco Bocchicchio.

Shot in Hueco, problems include: Rhymes with Rich, Mexican Chicken, Stegasaur, Babyface, El Burro, Left Donkey Show, Bush League, New Religion, Bad Religion, Left Moonshine, Starpower, Locals Only, Animal Acts, Clawfoot, Melon Patch and more!

Running time 24 minutes. Best watched in 1080P HD with the sound up!

BD athlete James Kassay bouldering in Hueco Tanks, Texas from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.

Black Diamond athlete James Kassay, who hails from Melbourne, Australia, traveled to Hueco Tanks last year, ditching the Aussie summer heat for the primo conditions of an east Texas winter. Here is the video he edited together from the trip, featuring a slew of hard problems in the V12 to V14 range—more than 13 minutes of pure sendage.

Eisprinz - Chapter one (with Markus Bendler) from Berni Kogler on Vimeo.

First (of 10) Chapter of the "Eisprinz" Movieblog with Iceclimbing Worldchampion Markus Bendler

Markus Bendler
Christoph Wurnitsch

produced by Bernhard Kogler

William Berry - Thanks for add (Deadman Remix)
Blackberry - Certain Death (Still Alive Remix)

Eisprinz Chapter two (with Markus Bendler) Outdoor Training from Berni Kogler on Vimeo.

Second (of 10) Chapter of the "Eisprinz" Movieblog with Iceclimbing Worldchampion Markus Bendler

Markus Bendler
Christoph Wurnitsch

produced by Bernhard Kogler

William Berry - Thanks for add (Deadman Remix)
The Rabbits - Mystery Lizard feat Gorilla Geer

Eisprinz Chapter three (with Markus Bendler) - Big Icefall collapse from Berni Kogler on Vimeo.

Third (of 10) Chapter of the "Eisprinz" Movieblog with Iceclimbing Worldchampion Markus Bendler

Markus Bendler
Albert Leichtfried

Sounddesign: Fred Nikolic
Text: Christoph Wurnitsch
Foto: Hermann Erber

produced by Bernhard Kogler

William Berry - Thanks for add (Deadman Remix)
DJ Lang - Crazy Love (The Alex Lang Remix)
State Shirt 04 - Computer

■Adam Ondra onsights
Joe Kinder says "Adam Ondra is truly the future of sport climbing and this is a great example of why. The guy is far ahead of the game and doing the things we are not doing right now. That is what makes him someone “pushing the sport” (always a goofy phrase, but it’s true)."

BD athlete Adam Ondra onsights Mind Control (8c+), Oliana, Spain from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.

Black Diamond athlete Adam Ondra went on an unstoppable onsight spree this past February and March in northern Spain, managing a stunning five 8c+ routes onsight. Five! Only Ondra’s fellow BD team member Patxi Usobiaga has managed a 5.14c onsight, and that was just one. We sent ace lensman Bernardo Gimenez to document Ondra’s onsighting at the mega-crag of Oliana, and he was fortunate enough to be rigged and ready when Ondra onsighted Mind Control (8c+), a gorgeous, 40-meter tufa/colonette/pocket line that was soaking wet on top. Gimenez had a pulley system set up and was able to capture the onsight in one single, flowing take, producing a truly unique record of one of the hardest sport-climbing onsights ever (it's amazing to watch the mental gears turning as Ondra tries to quickly figure out a way to securely engage the wet colonette at the top). None of Ondra's pterodactyl shrieks of max-effort during this onsight, just cool, calculated climbing that belies the demands of the grade. It truly does look like he's redpointing 7c+ rather than onsighting 8c+. Impressive, indeed.

■Nina Caprez
Nina Caprez enchaine mind control à Oliana

Beam of HOPE

Beam of HOPE from mohammad.AH on Vimeo.

It’s all about being alive no matter where or when ,
well it’s not the worst situation ever, but more we see people around the world trying to live better More we feel united , even a small climbing wall could do something that a whole gym couldn’t do in another place, for these guys it’s a life ,it’s a fight and a reason to be…

They want to be Champions !
Camera : Canon EOS 7D
Lens : canon 15-85 mm & sigma 30 mm f1/4
Color grade in MB Looks
Edited in Adobe premiere pro cs5
Music :
The xx - intro
Azereus - Azubaî Waterfalls - Azereus
KM - Scratch test

Tour Of Classics - The High Country from dalton hilfinger on Vimeo.

Amped to bring y'all this!!! Filmed in late 2011 and early 2012 in Western NC.

Amy Morrison
Brian Capps
Dalen Gray
Dalton Hilfinger
Taylor Mcneill
Leanna Lockhart
Mike Stam

Druid Roof V7
Bedaphile V9
Don Johnson V11
Senderella Sit V12
Black Crack V12
Room With a View V10
Flagyl V10
Jason Lives V9
Not My Problem V9
Bertha V9
Kratos V12 - attempt
Politician Stand V5
There Be Monsters Here V5 - First Ascent

Bonobo - Kiara
Supervison - Arcane
The Knux - Fruits
Kanye West - Power
(Paper Diamond Remix)
Sir Charles - Granular

evolv移籍 from project_daihold on Vimeo.

Evolv athletes Peter Croft, Lisa Rands, Matt Segal and Chris Sharma give some insight in to their lives as professional climbers and their direct involvement with Evolv. Also catch Chris Sharmas interview on his experience with First Round First Minute

Fern Roof - Hueco Tanks 2012 from Allen Chaney on Vimeo.

A four day trip down to hueco had big plans for videos and sending, but the only send was Dave's second day effort on Fern Roof. Good work man! Enjoy the footage! (Shot on Nikon D3100 & Tokina 12-24 4.0)

CLIMBtalk GregBoswell from ReelTime Adventure on Vimeo.

Winter climbing whizzkid GregBoswell talks about the past, present and future to ReelTime Adventure in CLIMBtalk
...he is quiet handy on rock in the summer too...

Check out the April 2012 Issue of CLIMB magazine where there is an in depth interview with Greg Boswell with Ian Parnell

A Fine Line - Film Trailer from Andrew Kornylak on Vimeo.

What does it take to give yourself fully to the sport, to pioneer new rock, to find "What's Next"? Will you find choss or climbing gold? It's a Fine Line.

A new full-length film from directors Andrew Kornylak and Josh Fowler for Dead Point Media, A Fine Line follows one season with some of the world's most visionary boulderers as they pursue the best - and worst - rock in America, from Alpine Colorado to remote Idaho and the Deep South.

Featuring Jimmy Webb, Brion Voges, Dave Graham, Daniel Woods, Peter Beal, and other top climbers, A Fine Line is a beautiful visual meditation on the bouldering life.

Now available for pre-order!

And if you love climbing,

A FINE LINE: Gypsy Boy from Andrew Kornylak on Vimeo.

An excerpt from the new Deadpoint Media climbing film A FINE LINE:

Tennessee Climber Jimmy Webb explains how he can spend a whole season working on a climbing objective, come home broke, and still love the "dirtbag" lifestyle of the full-time climber.

Boulder, Colorado climber and artist Peter Beal, who narrates much of the film, meditates on the connection between creating art and bouldering.

Directed by: Andrew Kornylak & Josh Fowler
Music: "Rjanga" by The Brock Scott Quartet

Buy the Film:

Watch the Trailer: at

A FINE LINE: The Vision of Dave Graham from Andrew Kornylak on Vimeo.

An excerpt from the new Deadpoint Media climbing film A FINE LINE featuring Dave Graham, Daniel Woods, Peter Beal, Jimmy Webb, Brion Voges and Diego Montull in Castle Rocks, Idaho.

Directed by: Andrew Kornylak & Josh Fowler
Music: "Save" by Philipp Weigl.

Read more about the film here

Buy the Film:

Watch the Trailer: at

A winters day at Bowden Doors, Northumberland from Chris Houston on Vimeo.

Cold temps, clear skies and no wind... Perfect sending conditions. Problems climbed include Crawlspace, Mind Games, Manta RH, Sprung, Born Lippy and Dog Eat Dog also featuring Crux the dog!

Dublin Teaser 001 from Awesome Walls Dublin on Vimeo.

Dublin needs a climbing centre...

We're going to give it one

Go Climb!

2012 ABS National Championship Highlights - Womens Finals from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

Welcome to the official highlights from the Womens 2012 American Bouldering Series National Championships.

Full results:

2012 Mens Highlights ABS 13 from NE2C on Vimeo.

North America's strongmen converged on Colorado Springs on Feb 24-25, 2012 for ABS Nationals 13. The field of 61 athletes was whittled down to just 6 for Men's Finals. When the dust settled Daniel Woods proved once again that he is simply the best climber in the U.S.

Madeon "Icarus (extended remix)"
Paul Basic "Cops"

ABS Nationals 2012 • Finals Problem #1 • Carlo Traversi from Carlo Traversi on Vimeo.

Carlo Traversi on Finals Problem #1 at the 2012 American Bouldering Series National Championships in Colorado Springs, CO. Video shot by Mary Mecklenburg.

ABS Nationals 2012 • Finals Problem #2 • Carlo Traversi from Carlo Traversi on Vimeo.

Carlo Traversi climbing on Finals Problem #2 at the 2012 American Bouldering Series National Championships in Colorado Springs, CO. Video shot by Mary Mecklenburg.

2012 ABS National Championships : Athlete Intro and Final 1 All Competitors from Jackie Hueftle on Vimeo.

The first of 4 videos of the Season 13 ABS National Championship Open Finals.

This video features the athlete intro and shows every attempt of all the competitors on Final #1.

Carlo Traversi
Alex Johnson
Michael Bautista
Lizzy Asher
Ethan Pringle
Angie Payne
Jon Cardwell
Sierra Blair-Coyle
Austin Geiman
Sasha DiGiulian
Shauna Coxsey
Daniel Woods
Alex Puccio

More info on the event at

ABS National Championships 2012 : Final 2 All Competitors from Jackie Hueftle on Vimeo.

This is #2 of 4 videos featuring all attempts of all competitors on the 4 finals problems at 2012 ABS Season 13 National Championships.

This video shows Final #2.

Finals took place in Colorado Springs, Colorado on February 25, 2012.

Carlo Traversi
Alex Johnson
Michael Bautista
Lizzy Asher
Ethan Pringle
Angie Payne
Jon Cardwell
Sierra Blair-Coyle
Austin Geiman
Sasha DiGiulian
Shauna Coxsey
Daniel Woods
Alex Puccio

For more info on the event visit

ABS National Championships 2012 : Final 3 All Competitors from Jackie Hueftle on Vimeo.

This is #3 of 4 videos featuring all attempts of all competitors on the 4 finals problems at 2012 ABS Season 13 National Championships.

Finals took place in Colorado Springs, Colorado on February 25, 2012.

Carlo Traversi
Alex Johnson
Michael Bautista
Lizzy Asher
Ethan Pringle
Angie Payne
Jon Cardwell
Sierra Blair-Coyle
Austin Geiman
Sasha DiGiulian
Shauna Coxsey
Daniel Woods
Alex Puccio

For more info on the event visit

ABS National Championships 2012 : Final Problem 4 All Competitors from Jackie Hueftle on Vimeo.

This is the 4th video of 4 featuring all the finals problems from the ABS Season 13 National Championships on February 25, 2012 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

This video features most of the attempts by all male and female competitors on Final Problem 4 (the other 3 videos feature all attempts but the camera died and the back-up camera had a memory card problem so I don't have every single attempt from last few competitors but luckily I do have their best attempts and they are shown here).

Carlo Traversi
Alex Johnson
Michael Bautista
Lizzy Asher
Ethan Pringle
Angie Payne
Jon Cardwell
Sierra Blair-Coyle
Austin Geiman
Sasha DiGiulian
Shauna Coxsey
Daniel Woods
Alex Puccio

For more on the event visit


Alex Johnson, Angie Payne and Alex Puccio Interviews - 2012 ABS National Championships from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

Pete Ward from NE2C interviews Alex Johnson, Angie Payne and Alex Puccio before finals at the 2012 American Bouldering Series National Championships.

Behind the Scenes - ABS 13 National Championships from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

Louder Than 11 was on the scene for the 13th annual ABS National Championships held in Colorado Springs, CO. Alton Richardson was there behind the scenes to capture the video and photo effort on film and document the live event so that you can experience what it is like to be a part of a commercial production!

Womens Highlights:

Mens Highlights:

Bouldering Nationals, Colorado Springs, CO. from Chris Schulte on Vimeo.

A selection of Five Ten athletes at the 2012 Bouldering Nationals.

Entre Prises Holds - ABS 13 National Championships from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

Entre Prises Climbing Walls is a proud partner of USA Climbing. EP supplied handholds, macro features and this year’s ABS Nationals bouldering wall.

EP hold sets featured in the comp were the "Comp Series Slopers", "Comp Series Pinches", "Flakes", 2 features: the "Phat Lip" and "PortaLedge" along with  the "Wok" and "Taijitu" volumes.

e-Grips Climbing Holds at ABS Nationals: Setting the Standard from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

e-Grips, the longest standing hold sponsor of the American Bouldering Series and USA Climbing, provided new climbing holds to the routesetters for ABS Open Nationals 2012.

Featured in the competition were new sets like the "Dimple Dot Double Jug", "Myorcan Sloper Edges", "Turtle Roof Jugs", "Remarkable Rocks Pinches", and many more amazing shapes.

For 10% off any e-Grips order through April 15th, contact Chris Danielson at and use promo code "ABS Nationals".

Teknik Holds - ABS Nationals 2012 from Louder Than 11 on Vimeo.

Quote coupon code: "Fat and Problematic" and get 25% off Fat Slopers or Problematics until March 17 2012!

■Women's final results:
1. Alex Puccio
2. Angela Payne
3. Shauna Coxsey
4. Lizzy Asher
5. Alex Johnson
6. Sasha DiGiulian
7. Sierra Blair-Coyle

■Men's final results:
1. Daniel Woods
2. Ethan Pringle
3. Michael Bautista
4. Carlo Traversi
5. Jon Cardwell
6. Austin Geiman

■Champions for the last 6 years
2011: Sean McColl, Alex Puccio
2010: Daniel Woods, Alex Puccio
2009: Daniel Woods, Alex Johnson
2008: Paul Robinson, Alex Puccio
2007: Daniel Woods, Alex Puccio
2006: Daniel Woods, Alex Puccio

Smith Trip: Part 1 from Micah Bishop on Vimeo.

Part 1 of Micah and Nolan Bishop's trip to Smith Rock.

Smith Trip: Part 2 from Micah Bishop on Vimeo.

Part two of our trip to Smith Rock. Micah and Nolan Bishop on Chain Reaction, Toxic, and Heresy.

Sponsors -

The Lowdown - Southeast Bouldering from Brooklyn Boulders on Vimeo.

Brooklyn Boulders routesetters Jeremy Bini, Mark Heal, and Garrett Koeppicus, along with Ty and Jeff Landman, take on the boulders of the Southeast.

The Lowdown = Now You Know

A Brooklyn Boulders film
Produced by Louder Than 11

Letting Go: Chris Sharma and Mark Coleman from Prana Living on Vimeo.

Chris Sharma and Mindful Living Ambassador Mark Coleman talk about the ‘inside game’ of climbing – how our thoughts can either hinder our performance or enhance our experience. The universal idea of letting go and focusing on the present moment allows us to more fully enjoy our passionate pursuits and our lives… of course this is easier said that done.

Who Is Mark Coleman from Prana Living on Vimeo.

prAna ambassador Mark Coleman shares his Mindfulness techniques with the folks at prAna.

Breathing Meditation from Prana Living on Vimeo.

prAna Mindful Living Ambassador Mark Coleman leads a one minute meditation focused on using our breath to help us live in the moment...

"Party Tricks" - Bouldering in Arkansas from Yolanda Chen on Vimeo.

Pebble wrestling at Fountain Red - Cowell Boulders in Arkansas with new friends - Che and Jordan. We had a great time doing some "unconventional" boulder problems. Thanks for the laughs, guys...we had a blast! Enjoy the vid!

Heuco Tanks Bouldering: Classics from Walker Kearney on Vimeo.

The first installment of classic boulder problems from Hueco Tanks. T-bone Shuffle, Metal Detector, The Long Haul, Noboby Gets out Alive.

Hueco Tanks Bouldering: Classics Part 2 from Walker Kearney on Vimeo.

More classic boulder problems from Hueco Tanks. Babyface, Choir Boys, Crash Test Dummies, Try Harder, Best of the Best, Bloody Flapper, etc....